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Reboot : Got Glyphosate?

Glyphosate is the world's most widely used herbicide. It is being linked to many health conditions and can be found in high levels in your kids everyday food items. Know your levels and begin to take steps to lower exposure and remove it safely from you and your children's body.

Functional Test Utilized: Precision Analytical's Adrenal & Organic Acids. This is an A la Cart Package.

Place Order

Place order. Email instructions sent with details on how to take the test. Take questionnaire and submit to practitioner.

Take  &Mail Test

Take test and mail test directly to lab for processing.

Results Received

Practitioner receives results and prepares results document & recommendations. Schedule review session.


Results and recommendations  include: education, insight to your unique body chemistry and a road map to health.

Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used herbicide and the primary toxic chemical Roundup™ which is utilized by homeowners, municipalities, and farmers to prevent the growth of weeds and grasses. Monsanto (now owned by Bayer) first introduced glyphosate to the market as Roundup in 1974. Most major North American crops, including wheat, barley, oats, pulses, corn, soy, and canola are largely dependent on glyphosate-based pesticides to expedite and improve harvest.

What is wrong with Glyphosate?

In 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer declared glyphosate a “probable carcinogen.” In 2017, California listed glyphosate in its Proposition 65 registry of chemicals known to cause cancer. Scientific studies on animals have also demonstrated that exposure to glyphosate is linked to hormone disruption, can adversely impact the digestive system by harming healthy gut bacteria, and may be linked to birth defects and reproductive health issues.

Glyphosate can enter the body by direct absorption through the skin, by eating foods treated with glyphosate, or by drinking water contaminated with glyphosate. According to a 2022 CDC study, glyphosate is in 75% of rainfall, 75% of air, and 80% of Americans. 

Glyphosate can be found in some of our everyday foods, such as: corn, soy, wheat, oats, chickpeas and potatoes. Environmental Working Group found the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer in every sample of popular oat-based cereal and other oat-based food marketed to children. Learn more.

Glyphosate poses an enormous health risk because of our constant exposure. And though each instance of contact with glyphosate may seem small, they all add up. The unfortunate truth is, glyphosate is virtually impossible to avoid, so you and your loved ones are probably at risk from its toxic effects right now — unless you take active steps to defend yourself.

What can you do?

My recommended first step is to check you and your family's level of exposure. This can be done with a simple at-home urine test. Once you know your levels, the next step is to access your exposure and begin to mediate it through diet changes, water filtration etc. Lastly, there are many approaches to support the removals of glyphosate from the body that we can support you with.

Package Includes:

  • At-home test kit (urine sample)

  • Prepaid return label

  • Action steps to lower exposure and detox

  • Targeted supportive supplements at a discount

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