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Reboot Package: Organic Acids

An organic acids test (OAT) can help identify underlying health issues and guide treatment plans by providing a detailed picture of how well your body is functioning. It provides clues about the gut microbiome, nutrient levels, neurotransmitter balance, and potential toxic exposure. Great option to paired with the HTMA

Functional Test Utilized: Mosiac's Organic Acids Test (OAT). This is an A la Cart Package.



Place Order

Place order. Email instructions sent with details on how to take the test. Take questionnaire and submit to practitioner.

Take  &Mail Test

Take test and mail test directly to lab for processing.

Results Received

Practitioner receives results and prepares results document & recommendations. Schedule review session.


Results and recommendations  include: education, insight to your unique body chemistry and a road map to health.

Organic acid testing (OAT) helps assess nutritional factors that can influence one's metabolic pathways. Organic acids are cellular byproducts produced through biochemical pathways required for survival, like energy production, protein and fatty acid metabolism, and detoxification. These pathways need sufficient vitamin and mineral levels to run efficiently; organic acid metabolites may build up when insufficiencies or deficiencies occur.

Additionally, the commensal microbes in the gastrointestinal tract have similar metabolic processes that produce organic acids, which are then absorbed into the circulation and excreted through urine. Hence, organic acids offer a snapshot of a person's nutritional status, metabolic efficiency, and microbiome balance.

OAT can be a helpful first-line tool if you need clarification on the areas you may be struggling. OAT can act as a single screening test that provides a snapshot into multiple aspects of a person's health, providing clues about the gut microbiome, nutrient levels, neurotransmitter balance, and potential toxic exposure that could be underlying the cause of a patient's presenting symptoms.​ Organic acids are measured in urine as they are not reabsorbed by the kidneys and are easily excreted in the urine. The level of organic acids in urine is approximately 100 times greater than a blood test, this makes urine testing a lot more sensitive.

The OAT is an excellent test for all ages but particularly children struggling with special needs. Understanding what is triggering you or your child’s symptoms can help us customize a personalized supportive health plan.

Test. Don't Guess!

What Does This Organic Acids Test Measure?

The OAT measures over 70 analytes and can assist in evaluating:

  • Glycolysis Metabolites: These are the gateway for converting dietary carbohydrates into energy, revolves around pyruvate, a key molecule fueling subsequent pathways like the Citric Acid Cycle.

  • Krebs Cycle Abnormalities: Also known as the citric acid cycle, it helps understand mitochondria function, which is how our body produces energy. Mitochondrial dysfunction can be a common problem with kids with special needs and adults with low energy.

  • Gut Health Assessment: This test can help identify markers indicating overgrowth of bacteria like clostridia or candida, which can contribute to digestive problems and immune dysfunction.

  • Neurotransmitter Levels: The test measures the metabolites of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin which can be affected by toxins, dysbiosis, or nutritional deficiencies. The dopamine metabolite is often out of balance in children with learning and behavior problems, as well as, adults who struggle with attention and low mood.

  • Nutritional Deficiencies: The OAT test is particularly valuable in assessing B vitamin levels which are important for many different functions in the body, including mitochondrial health, methylation and detoxification.

  • Antioxidant Deficiencies: Oxidative stress can be a result of environmental toxins or a nutrient deficiency. High levels of quinolinic acid, a neuroinflammation marker is often seen with autistic children, ADHD, brain fog and mood disorders.

  • Yeast and Clostridia Bacteria Overgrowth: This can not only cause digestive symptoms but also behavioral problems that are also highly correlated with autism, AHDH, brain fog and learning challenges

  • Fatty Acid Metabolism: The test assesses how well your body can convert fats into energy which can affect fat metabolism. Fatty acid oxidation pathways critical for energy production and metabolic regulation.

  • Oxalate Levels: Oxalates can cause pain and damage to tissues, and can also interfere with the body's metabolism. Oxalates can be high due to fungal and yeast, diet intake and specific genetics. 

  • Detoxification Pathways: Assessing glutathione, methylation, and high levels of toxins like ammonia which is indicated by the metabolite orotic acid. For some people, they are not exposed to more toxins but the metabolic inhibition of the detox pathways affects the clearance of toxins.​​

Sample Report:

View Sample reports of the OAT, here.

This is at home one-time morning urine collection. The specimen can be collected from the convenience of home and shipped to the laboratory for analysis. This is a perfect option for children (ages 3 and up).

Package Includes:

  • At-home test kit and prepaid return label

  • Self Assessment Health In-Take

  • Full Report and Roadmap to Health recommendations

  • Phone consultation - 45min (optional/extra fee). Link to book will be provided as we post your results.


Sample Collection Notes:

  • DO NOT collect your sample while menstruating.

  • If you are taking antibiotics, finish the course of medication and wait 48 hours before collecting your sample.

  • Avoid the following foods and supplements for 48 hours prior to collection.

    • Apples and apple juice

    • Grapes (including raisins) and grape juice

    • Pears and pear juice

    • Cranberries and cranberry juice

    • Echinacea

    • Reishi mushrooms

    • Arabinogalactan

    • Ribose supplements

    • Probiotics (2-days prior)

All information we provide is for educational purposes only. We do not diagnosis or treat any specific condition.

  • How the program work?
    Simply place your order. The test kit is mailed directly to the address you provide (name of testing client needs to be on the order form). Take the test and mail back to the lab for processing. (processing times may take up to 3 weeks). We receive your results and questionnaire. We then do a deep analysis and correlate with the lab results to look at the total picture of what’s going on with your body, so you can connect the dots to why you’ve been feeling the way you have. We share your results, offer education where necessary and provide recommendations and a road map to support your health goals. PLEASE NOTE: Not all packages include a detailed analysis and phone consultation. Phone consultation is optional with additional fee. Please check the description to see if this is included.
  • How do I place my order?
    Simply follow the prompt to place your order. Orders are placed on a private and secure server. All information provided is private and remains private. We accept credit cards at the time you place your order. Note: we can not ship to NY.
  • I live Internationally. Can I still utilize this package?
    At this time, we are only working with those located within the United States.
  • Do you offer a refund?
    Once order is place, we can not offer a refund at any time, as we immediately connect with the lab and have your test sent to your home. If you have any questions about this package, please email with your questions prior to placing your order.
  • Disclaimer
    This package is an on-line program only. It does not include private coaching sessions outside of your Results & Recommendation call. When purchasing an A La Cart package, such as this - you are not considered an active client with us. This test and the information provided is for educational purposes only. All forms and results are provided on a private server and you will be required to activate your account in order to receive your results and fill out corresponding worksheets. The contents of this package is based on the knowledge, opinions, and experience of Nourish Functional Health and its founder, unless otherwise noted. The information we provide does not replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and should not be considered medical advice. Nourish Functional Health encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. And most importantly, make sure to listen to your body. We do not make guarantee on particular outcomes of the program and encourage you to be in contact with your primary physician with regards to any current medical conditions and your prescribed medications.
  • Do you accept insurance?
    I am sorry, we do not accept insurance.
  • I need more support.
    We work intensively with our one-on-one clients and find that is the best way to get the support needed to move through health challenges. We offer these A La Cart packages for those who are looking for quick insight to one specific area. With each A La Cart package, you will always have an option to schedule a lab consult review for an additional fee. One on one clients are seen from a holistic prescriptive where we explore several functional tests, an intensive initial intake and develop a road map to address all imbalances. If interested in working on a one-on-one basis, please explore our 3-month Health Insight package, here.
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