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Vibrant Lab's Food Zoomers

The Vibrant Food Zoomers provide the most in depth and accurate look at true food sensitivities - because they are tests that examine immune responses to peptides within these antigenic foods, compared to all other food sensitivity tests which measure antibodies to whole proteins, which are rarely actually what our immune systems are exposed to in real life during digestion.


You can choose five out of the eleven options:: Wheat/Gluten, Lectin, Corn, Dairy, Peanut, Egg, Nut, Seafood, Soy, Grain, Mammalian Milk.


How to Choose Your Zoomers: Visit this HERE


The Eleven Zoomer Tests to Choose From:

Wheat Zoomer - suggested in combination with the Corn and Grain Zoomers. For the detection of wheat and gluten-related disorders, intestinal permeability, coeliac disease, and gluten-related autoimmunity. The Wheat Zoomer aids in the specific recognition of antibodies to wheat peptides – including gluten and non-gluten components, along with antibodies that indicate the presence of intestinal permeability. It is also a highly sensitive peptide-based array designed to detect autoimmune reactions to gluten. Learn more about the Wheat Zoomer by clicking HERE.


Lectin Zoomer - Measures IgG and IgA antibody response to lectins and aquaporins. Vibrant evaluates sensitivity to 16 lectins and 7 aquaporins in the most frequently consumed and potentially problematic foods. Peptide-based microarray technique eliminates the requirement of testing different forms of lectin (raw vs. cooked) and removes the false positives caused by cross reaction with pollens often seen in raw extracts. Scale of reactivity may help make decisions between rotation or elimination diet. Learn more about the Lectin Zoomer by clicking HERE.


Corn Zoomer – suggested in combination with the Wheat Zoomer. To test for and identify sensitivities to peptides found in corn. Corn is a grain that is heavily used in gluten-free foods and, therefore, patients following a gluten-free diet that do not experience symptom improvement after fully eliminating gluten may benefit from testing to determine if they also have an underlying corn sensitivity. Not only is corn widely prevalent in foods, but its various forms and derivatives are present in beverages, vaccines, medicines, supplements, and household items such as shampoo and body powder. Learn more about the Corn Zoomer by clicking HERE.


Dairy Zoomer - suggested in combination with the Mammalian Milk Zoomer. A comprehensive test to detect sensitivity to multiple peptides in cow’s milk dairy. Delayed sensitivities to peptides in dairy can present up to 72 hours after consuming dairy foods. Detecting sensitivity to cow’s milk can be difficult due to its ubiquitous presence in the Western diet, symptom overlap with other common conditions, and the often delayed nature of sensitivity symptoms. Learn more about the Dairy Zoomer by clicking HERE.


Peanut Zoomer - suggested in combination with the Nut and Soy Zoomers. An innovative ttest that measures IgG & IgA antibodies to peanut antigens. Peanut sensitivity is often confused with peanut allergy. Unlike peanut allergy (which produces IgE antibodies), an individual produces IgG and IgA antibodies against peanut antigens in peanut sensitivity. Peanut sensitivity symptoms, like all other food sensitivity symptoms, are often delayed (takes hours to days), hence diagnosis of the exact sensitivity was nearly impossible and often misdiagnosed. Learn more about the Peanut Zoomer by clicking HERE.


Egg Zoomer - A comprehensive test to distinguish egg sensitivity to peptides in egg white and yolk. The Vibrant Egg Zoomer is the most comprehensive panel of egg antigens from both the egg white and yolk, which simultaneously detects multiple egg peptides known to be the major causes of egg sensitivity. Learn more about the Egg Zoomer by clicking HERE.


Nut Zoomer – suggested in combination with the Peanut and Soy Zoomers. To test for and identify sensitivity to the most common tree nuts. Nut sensitivities are more common in people with a history of peanut sensitivity. Even though peanuts are considered legumes not nuts, people with peanut sensitivity or allergy are often advised to avoid all nuts because of potential risk of cross contamination. But most people who are sensitive to one tree nut are not sensitive to all tree nuts. So, if you are looking to go a step further to identify the specific nut variety you are sensitive to, Vibrant Nut Zoomer with Peanut Zoomer is a great way to get a more comprehensive assessment of your nut sensitivity. Learn more about the Nut Zoomer by clicking HERE.


Seafood Zoomer - To test for and identify sensitivity to seafood, including fish and shellfish. Seafood sensitivity can be difficult to assess through traditional testing due to the high rate of cross-reactivity and low specificity of skin testing. Some individuals are sensitive to the parasite Anasakis simplex, commonly found in seafood, but not to the actual fish or shellfish it infects. A peptide-based microarray technique which eliminates the requirement of testing different forms of seafood (raw vs. cooked). Learn more about the Seafood Zoomer by clicking HERE.


Soy Zoomer – suggested in combination with the Peanut and Nut Zoomers. To test for and identify sensitivity to proteins in soy, including GMO and non-GMO varieties. Some of the proteins in soy can cause soy dust sensitivity when inhaled and produce asthma-like symptoms in sensitive individuals. Because soy is so ubiquitous in the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industry, sensitivity to soy can often be difficult to detect through simple elimination diets alone. Testing for antibodies to peptides in soy is the only way to definitively assess a patient for soy sensitivity. Learn more about the Soy Zoomer by clicking HERE.


Grain Zoomer – suggested in combination with the Wheat and Corn Zoomers. To test for sensitivity to commonly consumed grain. The Grain Zoomer can help detect grain sensitivity to commonly consumed grain, especially when symptoms are delayed hours or days later. The Vibrant Grain Zoomer is an exclusive antibody panel which includes major proteins of common grains: quinoa, sorghum, teff, oats, rice, barley, rye, and buckwheat. Learn more about the Grain Zoomer by clicking HERE.


Mammalian Milk Zoomer – suggested in combination with the Diary Zoomer. To test for sensitivity to commonly consumed alternative animal milks. When eliminating dairy, many individuals switch to non-bovine dairy sources, such as goat, sheep, camel, or donkey milk. Because these alternative animal milks can have similar types of proteins, sensitive individuals may still experience adverse symptoms from consuming other mammalian milks after eliminating cow milk products. Learn more about the Mammalian Milk Zoomer by clicking HERE.




Have a Nourishing Day!



Food Zoomer Sample Reports

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