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What is diabetes? Diabetes is the condition in which the body does not properly process food for use as energy. Most of the food we eat is turned into glucose, or sugar, for our bodies to use for energy. The pancreas, an organ that lies near the stomach, makes a hormone called insulin to help glucose get into the cells of our bodies.

When you have diabetes, your body either doesn't make enough insulin or can't use its own insulin as well as it should.

Santa Barbara Functional Nutrition

Diabetes has been linked to many things, from the standard American diet (SAD) with lots of added sugars and fats, to lack of exercise, stress and environmental exposure.

Environmental Exposures Several international studies have examined the relationship between environmental influences and diabetes (type 1 & 2). Although increased sugar consumption, obesity, and lack of exercise certainly contribute, the effect of environmental toxins may be far greater. The data are so compelling that some researchers now label these toxins as diabetogens.

Diabetogens A diabetogenic agent may be defined as one that produces a persistent elevation in blood-glucose concentration. Some of the most common toxicants listed as a Diabetogens are the ones I speak about often in my posts.

1. Arsenic (heavy metal, often found in rice) 2. BPA (food containers, toiletries, receipts) 3. Dioxin (found in dairy products, meats) 4. PBC's (fish, meat, dairy) 5. Phthalates (personal care, toys, food packaging) 6. OCP (pesticides ie: glyphosphate)

These chemicals lead to a disruption in the normal production of insulin by the beta cells of the pancreas, as well as, interference with insulin action at the cellular levels, leading to insulin resistance.


Deep Dive into Diabetogens

We are going deeper into understanding WHY these toxins, also called Diabetogen, are affecting our ability to process blood sugar.

Mechanisms of Blood Sugar Control Dysregulation There are many mechanisms for blood sugar control disruption by these toxins.

Santa Barbara Nutritional Counselor

They can be loosely divided into 2 broad categories:

  • Impaired insulin sensitivity

  • Decreased insulin production

Although the researchers behind this have allocated these toxins to the 2 categories, the reality is that all of them have multiple ways in which they disrupt blood sugar regulation.

Decreased Insulin Production: Using Arsenic as an example - the primary mechanism of this heavy metal appears due to damaging pancreatic β cells with resultant decreased production of insulin.

Impaired Insulin Sensitivity: Bisphenol A (BPA), for example, blocks insulin receptor sites causing insulin resistance. This increases not only the incidence of diabetes, but also obesity, especially the worst type—accumulation of visceral fat. (see resource for details)

Additionally, impaired insulin sensitivity is the typical mechanism of damage for all the toxins (noted in previous post), which is why they are also implicated in the obesity epidemic. This is just a small sampling of how toxins can affect our bodies.


Diabetes & Toxins: How Toxins Damage our Body

Most people do not grasp how toxins interact with human physiology. Thus, why I keep posting about them:) Researcher Joe Pizzorno, ND has been a pioneer in uncovering the health impacts of environmental toxins on our body.

In his book, The Toxic Solution, he outlines 8 ways toxins can damage our body.

1. Toxins poison enzymes so they do not work properly. 2. Toxins displace structural minerals, resulting in weaker bones. 3. Toxins can damage vital organs. 4. Toxins damage DNA, which increases aging and degeneration. 5. Toxins modify gene expression. 6. Toxins damage cell membranes, so they do not respond properly. 7. Toxins interfere with hormones and cause imbalances. 8. Toxins impair the ability to detox

It is becoming universally known that the best way to lower your toxic load is through avoidance. We have many resources available to help assist you in the areas.

Nourishing Tips: 1. Ditch & Switch Guide 2. Nourish Shop (suggested product swaps) 3. Environmental Toxic Panel


Our Approach

I am a clinically trained psychotherapist, who learned along with education and practicum hours that one's health challenges can be at the root of their psychological obstacles. I view the body and mind from a holistic perspective and dive deep with my clients to root out the core imbalances that keep them from progressing in the healing of their body and mind.

Source: PMC4991654, PMC4991654, PMC4991654, Book: The Toxic Solution


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