We have all heard the folk remedy of a warm glass of milk before bed to make you feel and sleep better. It is still common in traditional cultures to have a warm milk at night and often recommended in Ayurveda.
Spice up your Moon Milk with a few of our favorite blends to help ease anxiety, lower inflammation, improve mood and ensure you get the zzz's you need.
1 cup milk (whole, coconut, almond, oat, hemp)
1 tsp. ground turmeric
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 piece of fresh, peeled ginger
1 tbsp honey to sweeten.
Warm the milk, whisk in all other ingredient well to dissolve spices.
Benefits: May help lower inflammation and anxiety. Soothes belly, offers antioxidant support and promotes a restful sleep with less wake up (thanks to the nutmeg)..
1 cup oat milk (preferably)
2oz liquid tart cherry juice
1 full dropper lavender extract
1 tbsp honey to sweeten
Warm the milk, whisk in all other ingredients well. Please note, do not over-heat as when adding herbal extracts you do not want to liquid steaming hot.
Benefits: Creates a restful sleep thanks to oats and tart cherries being rich in melatonin and magnesium. Tart Cherries also contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps boost the body’s serotonin levels. and shown to improve mood and sleep. Lavender offers a relaxing, calming felling and could also increase the percentage of slow-wave sleep experienced throughout the night.
1 cup hemp milk (preferably)
1 tsp ground cardamon
Full dropper chamomile extract
Dash of cinnamon
1 tbsp honey to sweeten.
Warm the milk, whisk in all other ingredients well. Please note, do not over-heat as when adding herbal extracts you do not want to liquid steaming hot.
Benefits: Hemp milk contains essential fatty acids, like omega 3 and 6 - which can help regulate cortisol levels. Cardamon can help settle digestion and support blood sugar. Cinnamon is also known to help regulate blood sugar and can help stabilizes blood sugar fluctuations during the night and lastly chamomile is commonly regarded as a mild tranquilizer or sleep inducer.
Note on Herbal Extracts: For any added herbal extracts we like Herb Farm Organics. They can be purchased at your local natural food store or on-line.
Good Nite and Sleep Tight!
Nourishing Resources
1. Blog: Facets of Anxiety
2. Blogs: What Time Do You Wake
3. Test: Reboot: Mood & Fatigue
4. Test: Reboot: Sleep & Adrenal
5. Quiz: Anxiety Questionnaire
6. Quiz: Neurotransmitter Questionnaire
7. Cheat Sheet: Vagus Nerve
8. Work with us: Email Consultation Form