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Nutrition for kids is based on the same principles as nutrition for adults. Everyone needs the same types of nutrients — such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein and fat. So what's the best formula to fuel your child's growth and development?

Kids Nourishing Nutrition Kids Health

Well, that may depend on their specific health challenges and needs.

We work with parents to help develop a road-map for Nourishing Nutrition based on a personalized approach. We utilized Biomedical Functional Testing to help guide the process.

There are several tests that can help provide a road map for your child. These tests can help take the guessing out of an already challenging situation.  With testing, we are able to get individual results and implement and individualized recommendation plan, instead of implementing a blanket approach.  Most tests are easy and done at home with a urine, stool, hair or skin prick.

Some Biomedical Functional Tests that are beneficial for children are:

Food Sensitivity - Food sensitivity is common and often manifests as GI issues, fatigue, lack of concentration/brain fog, migraine & headache, dark circles under the eyes, skin issues, and many other symptoms.

Gut Health Panel - Allows us to test gastrointestinal pathogens like bacteria, parasites, yeast and an imbalance of gut bacteria.

Organic Acid Test (OAT) - The Organic Acids Test (OAT) is considered a “metabolic snapshot” of what is going on in the body. It provides information on important neurotransmitters, nutritional markers, glutathione status, oxalate metabolism, evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria, and much more. The test includes 74 urinary metabolite markers that can be very useful for discovering underlying causes of chronic illness.

Hair Minerals & Metals - Some children with have a hard time detoxing heavy metals from their environment. Hair can give us a reliable representation of heavy metal burden and minerals. The hair shows a three-month window of what has been going on in the body.

Nutrigenetic (SNP) Panel - Have you ever wondered how your genes are impacting your body’s nutrition status? Some genes can play a major role in the way we break down and absorb the nutrients from our food and supplements. With 23andMe or data, we are able to identify mutations in over 35 different genes and adjust diet and supplements to fit your genes.

Environmental Toxin Panel - We live in a toxic world! Toxins from plastic bottles, food containers, air pollution, contaminated water, non-organic produce, and other unhealthy contaminants can build up in the body and exacerbate hormone, weight and mood issues. Via a simple urine test we can measure the buildup of these toxins in the body and make lifestyle changes to help the body naturally detox or use diet/supplements to help bind and excrete toxins.

Nourishing Tip

Making mealtimes fun and engaging can open the door for your child to try healthier options. Although making cute foods for your kids is not a miracle fix, I do believe that a pleasing presentation may help your child be more open to trying and eating healthier foods. Visit our Kids Nourishing Nutrition page for more fun food ideas.

Kids Nourishing Nutrition Kids Health
Nourish Functional Health

Gluten- Free & Dairy Free

Need to try a gluten-free and dairy free diet? Well, we have you covered. Check out our one-week simple menu to help get you started. Gluten-Free & Dairy Free Menu Or try our Eat The Rainbow Challenge

Work With Us

There has never been a better time to dive in and discover ways to help your child thrive. Our process is simple. Simply schedule your Initial Consultation Appointment or work with us through our 3-month or 6-month programs. (Visit our Booking Page) During our first appointment, we deep dive into your child's health/ behavior history, review the appropriate biomedical functional test options, and review current dietary in-take. As we continue to work together, we tease out the areas in which your child needs support and work closely with the parent(s) to implement lifestyle and nutritional shifts. We offer a 20 minute complimentary conversation to get to know each other. Visit our Booking Page to schedule your introductory call.


Brandy‘s expertise has brought me a renewed sense of hope and clarity in what can often be an overwhelming and confusing process. When my 7yo daughter began experiencing stomach aches and headaches on a regular basis we couldn’t figure out why... Read more

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